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Project Assessors Wanted
NGen   June 10, 2024

In an effort to continuously fund only the best advanced manufacturing projects, we are looking to expand our roster of Project Assessors. As  the industry-led, not-for-profit organisation leading the Government of Canada's Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster Initiative, NGen is tasked with soliciting, developing and funding projects that will bring Canada to the forefront of advanced manufacturing technology. NGen employs a transparent, impartial assessment process to ensure only the best projects are recommended for funding.

Could you or someone you know be a NGen Project Assessor? NGen is looking for professionals with the following attributes who are interested in part-time activity;

A Project Assessor will have some combination the following attributes:

  • Experience with a manufacturing or process related industry preferably with 10 years in an executive decision-making role and/or;
  • Experience in a technology development field with 20 years in a senior management role
  • 15 years of experience in a research/technology academic field in a senior leadership role
  • Experience in technology or research transfer or distribution with 15 years in a senior management position
  • Preference would be given for someone from these fields that has been responsible for business plan decision-making and financial planning for 20 to 25 years
  • A project assessor would review a project document such as initial applications or full project proposals, which consist of ten questions. Each question requires a 900 to 2,000-word answer and will provide the necessary information with which to assess the merits of the project.
  • Questions are written in such a way that it provides project applicants the opportunity to express their strategies for a project while providing assessors with information to determine their merit. The project questions are scored numerically in addition to appropriate commentary.
  • In addition to the standard questions, assessment will also uncover basic, fundamental goals to be considered such as:
Why is the project of strategic importance to advanced manufacturing in Canada?
How will the project contribute to greater collaboration among manufacturing and technology companies, and supporting research, training, and service organizations?
How will the project strengthen Canada's advanced manufacturing ecosystem?
Why is Supercluster funding required to carry out the project?
  • A project assessor will be expected to comply with NGen confidentiality requirements and sign the Assessor’s Agreement Contract which includes the NGen Conflict of Interest Guidelines.
  • NGen-specific assessment training will be provided and the expectation is that assessments will be completed as per trained method.
  • It is anticipated that each single-stage assessment would take up to 2 hours to complete and full project proposal up to 8 hours
  • Assessors would be assigned 1 to 6 assessments and be expected to complete them in 1-7 calendar days.
  • Assessors will be required to participate in review panels for project plan assessments
  • Payment for the Assessments will be provided upon completion.
  • NGen encourages all assessors to retain anonymity regarding project assessments

If you or someone you know fits this description and would be interested in becoming an NGen project assessor, please contact Frank Haas or Steven Bell at assessment@ngen.ca for more information. We will provide training and support to get you started in this exciting role.

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