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As part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, NGen is launching a $20 million AI for Manufacturing (AI4M) funding challenge.
NGen has launched a call for project proposals that will build advanced manufacturing capacity in Canada and enhance the commercialization of artificial and machine learning innovations across manufacturing sectors in Canada.
Projects must focus on the commercialization of AI/ML solutions in manufacturing. They must also be business-led and collaborative. Research organizations, companies and organizations working outside the manufacturing sector that can contribute technical expertise and knowledge to project consortia are also welcome to participate.
Projects must include at least two industry partners, one manufacturing company and one AI company. At least one of these companies needs to be a Small Medium Enterprise. More extensive engagement with manufacturers or applications involving multiple manufacturing sites are encouraged.
Total project costs should be between $1.5M and $6M. Eligible projects will be reimbursed at a funding rate of 35% of total eligible project costs. Project application guides, videos, and resources are available below.
The Challenge will support AI-enabled advanced manufacturing technology development and commercialization such as:
Pending the availability of funding, there may be a second in-take of projects. The following are key dates for a potential second intake:
Confirmation regarding a potential second intake will be posted on this website.
Please contact if you have any questions.